When someone writes a song they have a basic vision for how they want it to sound after being recorded. I couldn't have succeeded in this wonderful recording without the talents of other musicians and singers who have become friends over the years.
Hillel Kapnik of Uptop Recording Studios where we recorded and edited the song and who lent his vocal talents as well as his guitar playing.
Elimelech Adler a phenominal talent who sings and plays multiple instruments, in this case the Harmonica along with vocals which added so much to the track.
Singers Yedidya Alper and Shlomo Golombeck who lent their talented voices to make this song a success.
This single is free to download and share. I just ask that you include the credits on the cover art when sharing.
I am dedicating this song for a Refuah Shelaimah for Zev Tzvi Ben Chanah, my Father