Album: Hodu L'Ashem

Writing one song is a very special accomplishment; writing 11 was something I never imagined being able to do. With Hashem's help when I was 24 years old I had written enough songs for an album.

I decided the only way to do it and be happy with the way the songs come out was to produce it myself. I was able to get Yisroel Lamm, the world-famous arranger, to agree to do the arrangements and, along with the world-class musicians he put together, we ended up with a musical masterpiece.

Whether you like music to dance to, slow and hartzig, wedding songs, Shabbos songs, this album has it all. The arrangements, while current, still have a uniquely Jewish feel and that was what I tried so hard to accomplish. All the tracks are free to download and are free to share as well.

Hodu Lashem Cover Art
Uray Vonim
Siman Tov
Boee Vshalom
Ashrei Haam
Hodu Lashem
Mi Bon Siach
Yom Ze Mechubad
Shalom Aleichem
Lmaan Achai
Niggun Simchas HaChayim
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